No one helps me

  • 2 mins read

“No one helps me”, the cry of many in this world. Many times in our lives, we feel that we are helpless. When we are surrounded by problems; when no one tries to understand our problems, we look for some one to help us.

Unlike us, King David clearly knows the person who can help Him in times of trouble. That is why many times when David was surrounded by problems, He was able to overcome them successfully. David was sure that God alone is able to help him at all times.

In times of distress, he didn’t seek men to strengthen him. Whenever he faced problems, he looked unto God. He prays in psalm 60:11 , “Give us help from trouble for vain is the help of man.”

When he prayed to God, he humbled himself. As we can see him pray in psalm 70:5, “But I am poor and needy; Make haste to me God! You are my help and my deliverer”. David held the highest position in the country. He had all the riches. Still he declares that he is poor and needy. When such a powerful king feels that He is poor infront of God, how much are we?

Are you facing tough times in your life? Are you feeling that there is no one to help you? Are you frustrated that no one helps you? Seek God with humbleness. He will surely help you!

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