Few weeks back I had an opportunity to take part in the inter church youth competitions representing our church. The competitions went well and we did well in all the competitions. Though we won prizes in some competitions, we didn’t win the over all trophy. It was slightly bothering us as we were the winners last time. I could notice worried faces in our team. Nevertheless, I learned a valuable lesson from this incident.
Many times in our lives when we are unsuccessful in something, we get disappointed and frustrated. We never realize that God has a plan behind every single thing that happens in our life. We need to take it as an opportunity to correct our mistakes and improve ourselves.
It’s true that we all want to win. But life is not just about winning. It’s all about staying faithful and finishing well the race that is set before us. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Paul doesn’t say whether He won or not. He just says that He has finished. So, don’t worry when you lose next time but make sure that you remain faithful and complete the race.