Why do i share the Gospel?

  • 3 mins read

People often ask me “Why do you tell others about Jesus Christ?”, “Why do you propagate your beliefs vigorously than the people of other faith?” and “Why do you invite people to follow Christianity?”. “Love” is the only answer to all these questions. It is God’s Love that inspires me to share His Gospel. The word “Gospel” literally means “Good News”. Gospel is God’s plan to save sinful humanity from eternal destruction. I share the Gospel because I love God and I love People.

Love for God:

God created me in His own image and gave me freewill to choose between good and evil. But I chose evil over good and sinned against God. I am a sinner by choice. Being the Holy and Righteous Judge, God needs to punish me. The punishment due for my sins is everlasting death in hell. But God in His abundant love sent His One and Only begotten Son Jesus Christ into this world to save me. He was wounded for my transgressions and was bruised for my iniquities. But He bore it all so that I would not be tormented forever in hell. He suffered and died as a substitute in my place. He conquered death and rose on the third day. God offers forgiveness and everlasting life to all who accept their sinful condition, repent and believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation. The Bible says in Romans 5:8, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” I am forgiven because Jesus was forsaken. How can I be without sharing the love of the One who laid Himself down to give me life?

Love for People:

God commands me to share His Gospel of love with others so that they could also be saved. The Bible says in 1 John 4:11, “If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” Will you ever let your friend go knowing that the road he travels could endanger his life? Will you ever simply watch your friend drowning into water without lending your hand? If your answer is “No”, then how can I keep quiet knowing that my friends are on their way to everlasting destruction?  I can’t say that I am loving someone and let them go to hell without even trying to stop them. Yes, I can’t afford them to lose the gift of eternal life which is freely available by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, I can’t compel someone to believe the Gospel. God has given everyone the free will to choose Him and be forgiven of their sins. It’s up to the person to believe. All I can do is “Share” the Gospel and “Pray” for their Salvation.

If you want to know more about God and His Gospel, click here.

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